IVF#1 Stimming Day 3 – Pufferfish

Yesterday was Day 3. It was a bit rougher. I am definitely bloated and sore. I have this weird sensation. It’s like the pressure you get when you have to pee really bad, except I don’t have to pee. I am assuming that means my ovaries are growing 🙂

We have the whole shot thing down to a science now. I put heat on my stomach for a few minutes before while I warm up the vial in my bra. It has definitely helped to warm up the vial. I then prepare everything and Chris stabs me. This may break my fear of needles because the last two days I have looked away and been completely fine. We will revisit this fear when I have to get shot in the booty with the 1.5″ needle!!

Last night I did get very nauseous after the shot, which we did on my right side. That is the side where I got nauseous before so maybe I am more sensitive on that side? I don’t know. The nausea stayed around for quite a while, but I did get a craving for a peanut butter milkshake from Culvers so I sent Chris out last night to get one! He might as well get used to it now cause I have no idea what I will crave once we have our baby on board!

Aside from the bloating, nausea, pressure sensation and gas, I did start getting headaches yesterday and sore/tender breasts. Right now I would say all the symptoms are very mild. I am just taking it very easy and listening to my body. Also, AF is finally leaving (yay! Good riddance!) so that might be another reason I feel better this morning.

I want to take a moment to shoutout to Katie from Praying to be Mommy and Callie from Loving the Married Life. We are all on the same cycle day for our IVF and exchanged numbers. They have been an absolutely amazing support system. They let me complain, talk me down from my crazy and commiserate together! Thank you ladies for everything! If you haven’t checked out their journey, take a moment and head over to their blogs. They are truly amazing and strong women!

Okay, that’s all for this morning. I will update on how Day 4 went!! Baby dust to all!

5 responses to “IVF#1 Stimming Day 3 – Pufferfish

  1. I had to stim 5 days longer due to slow growers and man was I bloated! I totally understand you! The cravings were bad! Good luck to you!

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  2. Awe thank you aimee you have been a huge support and help through all this… I’m so glad we found each other to lean on 🙂

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  3. I’m so glad we have each other! I couldn’t get through it without you! I hope we both go in tomorrow and find that things are moving along quickly! Let’s get this show on the road 🙂

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